Fact check: Central banks are publicly owned, not controlled by Rothschild family

Fact check: Central banks are publicly owned, not controlled by Rothschild family
- March 31, 2023
- Gary Richardson, economics, USA Today, MSN, March 31, 2023
A March 1 Facebook video (direct link, archived link) shows a montage of images of various banks around the world. “Banks owned by the Rothschilds,” reads on-screen text at the beginning of the video, which shows central banks of countries including the U.S., Canada, China, England, France, Mexico and Spain. … Except for the Fed and the European Central Bank, all the banks mentioned in the video have been nationalized, according to academic research and the institutions’ websites. This means the national government bought all stock in the central bank, said Gary Richardson, a professor of economics at the University of California Irvine.
For the full story, please visit https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/03/31/fact-check-false-claim-rothschild-family-owns-dozens-central-banks/11572271002/.
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