Eve Darian-Smith, professor and chair of global and international studies, offers expertise in this piece for Academe Blog
Andrew Penner, UC Irvine sociology professor, Emily K. Penner, UC Irvine associate professor of education, and Thurston Domina, explain in this piece for EdSource
New book by political scientists Jeffrey Kopstein, UCI, and Stephen Hanson, William & Mary, examines causes, consequences of the erosion of modern government institutions
Suellen Hopfer and Jun Wu, CPIP and population and public health, Animals Around the Globe, August 29, 2024
UCI anthropology and international studies lecturer emeritus, Center for Citizen Peacebuilding cofounder | 1948-2024
Candice L. Odgers, CPIP and social ecology, CNBC, also ran in MSN and NBC Miami, August 28, 2024
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