Democracy, are you OK? What recent history tells us about the state of politics

Democracy, are you OK? What recent history tells us about the state of politics
- September 13, 2022
- Shawn Rosenberg, poli sci, NPR, Sept. 13, 2022 (Audio)
"Trying to divide and conquer becomes a requirement to survive in politics. Then fueling polarization and the wedges and amplifying and multiplying the wedges that fragment society." This view is echoed by Shawn Rosenberg — a professor of political science and psychology at UC Irvine — who warns that opportunistic leaders can strike because liberal democratic politics is complicated. "Populist alternatives offer a vision that is much simpler," he told Salon. "All that populism demands is a simple story of cause and effect. All one needs to do is act: Authoritarian power is the solution."
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