Stephen Schueller, CPIP and social ecology, The New York Times, August 8, 2024

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Michael Tesler, poli sci, The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 8, 2024 (Opinion)

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Michael Tesler, UCI political scientist, explains in this piece for ABC News

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Research by Jack Liebersohn, UCI economics, and Jesse Rothstein, UC Berkeley public policy and economics, NPR, Aug. 8, 2024

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Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and poli sci, Channel News Asia, Aug. 7, 2024

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Charis Kubrin, CPIP and social ecology,, also ran in Yahoo News, August 6, 2024

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Paula Tomei, alumnus, American Theatre, Aug. 6, 2024

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Distinguished Career Service Award honors the UCI political scientist for commitment to Sexuality & Politics subfield, supporting LGBTQ+ affiliated issues

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Eric Swanson, economics, Bankrate, Aug. 6, 2024

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Findings published in Social Science Research track subprime mortgage crisis lending practices across U.S. neighborhoods

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Charis Kubrin, CPIP and social ecology, Wyoming Public Media, August 5, 2024

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David Neumark, economics, New York Post, Aug. 5, 2024

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Candice L. Odgers, CPIP and social ecology, Big Think, August 4, 2024

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Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and poli sci, Sky News Australia, Aug. 3, 2024 (Video)

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Shawn Rosenberg, UCI political scientist, explains on this episode of the WhoWhatWhy Podcast

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