Global cooperation in the time of COVID-19

Global cooperation in the time of COVID-19
- October 5, 2020
- Etel Solingen, poli sci, IGCC, Oct. 5, 2020
COVID-19 is pushing countries and communities to the brink. How is the pandemic playing
out in different regions and countries, and will this collective global challenge
facilitate a cooperative global response—or just the opposite? Experts from across
the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation weigh in. Etel Solingen on nuclear
The threat of nuclear war may not be in anybody’s mind while coping with COVID-19.
Or perhaps it is, especially as—superimposed on the confinements—fires rage and smoke-induced
eclipses conjure up analogies to a nuclear winter? Either way, the Doomsday Clock
posted by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists now stands at “Within 100 Seconds Of Midnight”
in 2020, citing the existential dangers of nuclear war and climate change, compounded
by cyber-enabled information warfare. This is the closest to Doomsday we have been
since the Bulletin’s proverbial clock was conceived in 1947.
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