Floyd's death sparks new activism among communities of color

Floyd's death sparks new activism among communities of color
- August 25, 2020
- Claire Jean Kim, poli, sci, AP, The New York Times, U.S. News and World Report, San Francisco Chronicle, Chron.com, and outlets nationwide, Aug. 25, 2020
Solidarity among people of color has never been a given in the U.S., notes Claire
Jean Kim, professor of political science and Asian American studies at the University
of California, Irvine. “There are enduring tensions and conflict among all groups,
including among groups of color, communities of color, because they’re not, in fact,
comparably situated,” Kim said. “We tend to think, yes, they’re all subjected to white
supremacy, but there are also differences in how they’re positioned, with Blacks clearly
being positioned at the bottom of the racial order.”
For the full story, please visit https://apnews.com/c626645429c5f675ea8d6d01c71a5d80.
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