Rebuilding and unbanked: Some Paradise-area residents reel without a bank account

Rebuilding and unbanked: Some Paradise-area residents reel without a bank account
- January 17, 2019
- Bill Maurer, anthropology, via Capital Public Radio, Jan. 17, 2019 (Audio)
For people who lost everything in a wildfire or other disaster, being unbanked can
make rebuilding harder, said Bill Maurer, anthropology professor at UC Irvine. “Without
a bank account it can be a real challenge to buy a home, buy a car, rent a car, stay
in a hotel even in some places,” said Maurer. … “When you don't have access to these
formal institutions … then really you're falling back on community and family and
neighbors,” he said. “Sometimes that can work but sometimes it also doesn't work.”
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