Why the 2020 census shouldn’t ask about your citizenship status

Why the 2020 census shouldn’t ask about your citizenship status
- February 22, 2018
- Frank Bean, sociology, and James Buchmeier, alumnus, in The Conversation and WTOP, Feb. 22, 2018
In another study I published in 2014 with two colleagues, [UCI alumnus] James Bachmeier
and [UCI Distinguished Professor of sociology] Frank Bean, we found that nearly all
immigrants answered questions about their immigration and documentation status. These
response rates are on par with or better than typical survey questions on health or
income. Moreover, immigrants’ responses to these questions appeared to be fairly accurate.
For the full story, please visit https://theconversation.com/why-the-2020-census-shouldnt-ask-about-your-citizenship-status-91036.
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