5 unnervingly spooky houseplants for Halloween

5 unnervingly spooky houseplants for Halloween
- October 25, 2017
- Carter Butts, sociology, in The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 25, 2017
“Few plants resort to violence to make a living, but it helps them secure nutrients like nitrogen that’s lacking in their soil,” said Carter Butts, a professor who studies the plant’s genomes at the University of California, Irvine. Sundews are a bit fussy about water (it must be mineral-free and distilled) but never about fertilizer: Outdoor plants feed themselves, and “indoors, I use fish food, applied with tweezers,” Mr. Butts said.
For the full story, please visit https://www.wsj.com/articles/5-unnervingly-spooky-houseplants-for-halloween-1508936404.
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