Carrie Reiling, political science grad student, is quoted by the UN Dispatch March 18, 2016
UCI political science assistant professor Michael Tesler breaks down the 2016 presidential primaries, notes that "everything in politics has become more about race - most importantly, party identification"
Nikki Tavasoli, economics graduate student, is quoted in the Los Angeles Times March 14, 2016
Rubén Rumbaut, sociology Distinguished Professor, is quoted in the Los Angeles Times March 14, 2016
Research by David Neumark, economics professor and ESSPRI director, is featured in the Harvard Business Review March 10, 2016
Simone Chambers, political science professor on the challenges of war and peace, courtesy of CBC Radio
Research by David Neumark, economics professor, is featured in The Des Moines Register March 7, 2016
Research by David Neumark, economics professor, is featured by Newsday and Inside Sources March 7, 2016
An op-ed by Michael Tesler, political science assistant professor, is featured in The Washington Post
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