David Neumark, economics Chancellor’s Professor and Center for Economics and Public Policy director, is the 2015 recipient of the Associated Graduate Students’ Faculty Mentoring Award. The honor recognizes an outstanding tenured or non-tenured faculty member who inspires and guides their students in their work, and whose dedication to graduate learning has made significant contributions to both the professional development and quality of life of their students.

Neumark was nominated by his graduate students for being “incredibly generous with his time and advice, freely extending offers to review applications, suggesting grants and fellowships to apply for, writing glowing letters of recommendation, and often inviting graduate students to co-author with him.”

Neumark is an expert on minimum wage and labor policy. His policy-focused research has been published widely in more than 100 studies in top academic journals, and he’s cited almost daily by top international media outlets. He’s authored six books and currently serves as editor of the IZA Journal of Labor Policy and co-editor of the Journal of Urban Economics, while holding posts on editorial boards of three others. He’s testified before Congress on the ineffectiveness of California’s Enterprise Zone Program, based on research in which he found the program had no measurable effect on new job creation for businesses located within zone boundaries. His most recent work, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, has focused on age discrimination in the hiring process.