Experts point to US role in migrants' flight

Experts point to US role in migrants' flight
- July 29, 2014
- Susan Bibler Coutin, anthropology and criminology, law and society professor, is quoted in the National Catholic Reporter July 29, 2014
From the National Catholic Reporter:
As the situation at the U.S. border wears on, with child migrants arriving by the
thousands, many fleeing extreme violence, the question of first causes has begun to
take hold of the public's imagination. … The violence that brings these children to
the border is a result of rampant economic inequality and social exclusion. "It's
not the case that these kids just arrived out of the blue," said Susan Bibler Coutin,
a professor of anthropology at the University of California, Irvine. "There's a history
that led to the creation of conditions where it wasn't safe for them to remain in
their homelands, and the United States played a key role in creating those conditions."
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