North Africa: African migrants in the Middle East and North Africa - separate line of theorizing needed (Opinion)

North Africa: African migrants in the Middle East and North Africa - separate line of theorizing needed (Opinion)
- June 26, 2014
- An op-ed by Kelsey Norman, political science grad student, is featured by allAfrica June 26, 2014
From allAfrica:
How African migrants in the two regions are treated is determined by a number of
factors, which should be examined for comprehensive understanding, including the domestic
political and economic conditions in the host state, relations between neighboring
countries and the sending state, and relations between the migrants and the local
population…. Kelsey P. Norman is a doctoral candidate in the department of political
science at the University of California, Irvine. Her dissertation work examines migrants
to Egypt, Morocco and Turkey.
For the full story, please visit
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