Food stamps: A reporter's notebook

Food stamps: A reporter's notebook
- April 3, 2014
- Research by David Neumark, economics Chancellor's Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is featured on the Marketplace April 3, 2014
From the Marketplace:
Gura: Some people have argued that Walmart could just raise wages, and I wonder why
they haven’t done that – why they’ve decided not to? Clark: Well, Walmart is a business.
They have reasons why they think their approach is the best thing for their bottom
line, and their shareholders…There’s also this other point that an economist at UC
Irvine named David Neumark brings up: “I wish they were more skilled and were worth
more in the labor market, but assuming that’s not going to happen in the near future,
I’d certainly rather they get those benefits than not get them,” Neumark said of food
stamps going to low-wage workers.
Full transcript unavailable. Audio link available at
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