Political newcomer hones pitch

Political newcomer hones pitch
- January 18, 2014
- Mark Petracca, political science associate professor and social sciences associate dean, is quoted in the Orange County Register January 18, 2014
From the OC Register:
Kashkari offered his card, inviting the librarian to get in touch if he can assist
her son. But she may want to reach out sooner than later, because the 40-year-old
Laguna Beach resident is about to get a lot busier after he launches an expected election
campaign against Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown. The Republican, who has never run for
political office, has been hiring advisers and traveling the state. He’s drawn headlines
as he spent the night at homeless shelters and picked fruit alongside field workers,
repeating his view that Brown has done too little to help create jobs and improve
schools… “I wouldn’t say that Brown at this point is invulnerable, but he’s awfully
close,” said Mark Petracca, a political science professor at UC Irvine.
For the full story, please visit http://www.ocregister.com/articles/kashkari-597966-brown-california.html (online subscription required).
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