Revenge of the physicists: how nerds turn models into money

Revenge of the physicists: how nerds turn models into money
- July 25, 2013
- Jim Weatherall, logic & philosophy of science assistant professor, is featured in the New Zealand Herald July 25, 2013
From the New Zealand Herald:
James Weatherall is the very model of a nerd…. Weatherall is not starring in any
'Revenge of the Nerds' rethink (although he could be cast) but has a serious job as
assistant professor of logic and philosophy of science at University of California,
Irvine… He's also the author of double-subtitled book 'The physics of finance – predicting
the unpredictable: can science beat the market?', which I had the pleasure of reading
over the holidays. … Weatherall's over-arching ambition with the book is to defend
his co-physicists from the charges of financial model abuse and stake a claim for
"why we should look to new ideas from physics and related fields to solve the ongoing
economic problems faced by countries around the world".
For the full story, please visit
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