From Public Books:
The Whole World Blind is a self-contained ethnographic sound performance/ installation/ soundwalk. Blindfolded and wearing headphones, the audience listens to a narrative loop of a curator describing a slide show of war photography. The unidentified photographs used in the project are from actual museum shows of war photographs taken from the Second World War to the present. The Whole World Blind premiered at Soundwalk, an annual sonic art event held in Long Beach, CA, in October of 2011, and was also exhibited in Berlin, Germany in December 2011 and at SomArts in San Francisco, CA in 2012 in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. [Roxanne Varzi is a writer, anthropologist, filmmaker, and Associate Professor of Anthropology and Film and Media Studies at the University of California, Irvine. She is the author of Warring Souls: Youth, Media and Martyrdom in Post-Revolution Iran (2006) and director of Plastic Flowers Never Die (2009)].   

To hear the installation and read the accompanying article, please visit