Doomsday debunked, but lessons learned?

Doomsday debunked, but lessons learned?
- December 18, 2012
- Lilith Mahmud, women's studies, anthropology and culture and theory assistant professor, is quoted in the Orange County Register December 18, 2012
From the OC Register:
The woman was so despondent about the end of the world, she told a NASA scientist
via email, that she was contemplating suicide. "I don't know whether she was exaggerating,
but I took her at her word," said Donald Yeomans, manager of NASA's near-Earth Object
Program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. …But the fears themselves ought
not to be so easily dismissed, says Lilith Mahmud, a cultural anthropologist at UC
Irvine who studies political conspiracy theories. Doomsday prophecies have much in
common with political conspiracy notions, she says. "They follow a very standard pattern,"
she said.
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