UCI sociologists make their mark at ASA annual meeting

UCI sociologists make their mark at ASA annual meeting
- September 25, 2012
- Faculty and graduate students earn awards and key leadership positions on section councils
UCI sociologists traveled to Denver in August to represent UCI at the annual American
Sociological Association meeting. Between book and paper awards, election to committee
council positions, and numerous research presentations, sociology faculty and graduate
students represented UCI well and will continue to do so throughout the year in key
section leadership positions.
Awards received include:
- Yang Su, associate professor, received the Barrington Moore Best Book Award from the Section on Comparative & Historical Sociology, and the Charles Tilly Best Book Honorable Mention from the Section on Collective Behavior & Social Movements for Collective Killings in Rural China during the Cultural Revolution, published in 2011. Read more.
- Benjamin Lind, ’12 graduate alumnus, and Judith Stepan-Norris, professor, received an Outstanding Article Honorable Mention from the Section on Collective Behavior & Social Movements for “The Relationality of Movements: Movement and Countermovement Resources, Infrastructure, and Leadership in the Los Angeles Tenants’ Rights Mobilization, 1976-1979,” published in the March 2011 issue of the American Journal of Sociology.
- Elizabeth Chiarello, ’12 graduate alumnus, received an Outstanding Dissertation Honorable Mention from the Section on Medical Sociology for her doctoral thesis, “How Organizational Context Affects Bioethical Decision-Making: Pharmacists’ Management of Gateskeeping Processes in Retail and Hospital Settings.”
- Christopher Steven Marcum, ’12 graduate alumnus, received the Graduate Student Paper Award from the Section on Aging & the Life Course for, “Age Differences in Daily Social Activities,” forthcoming in the journal Research on Aging.
Newly elected ASA officers include:
- Edwin Amenta, professor, chair-elect, Section on Collective Behavior & Social Movements
- Nina Bandelj, associate professor, council member, Section on Comparative & Historical Sociology and Section on Global & Transnational Sociology
- Susan K. Brown, associate professor, council member, Section on International Migration
- M. Kathleen Dingeman-Cerda, graduate student, student rep, Section on Human Rights
- Katherine Faust, professor, past chair, Section on Mathematical Sociology
- Cynthia Feliciano, associate professor, council member, Section on Latino/Latina Sociology
- David John Frank, professor, past chair, Section on Sociology of Law
- Brian Gillespie, ’12 graduate alumnus, student rep, Section on Children & Youth
- Francesca Polletta, professor, past chair, Section on Culture
- Judith Stepan-Norris, professor, chair, Section on Political Sociology
- Judith Treas, professor, past chair, Section on Population
- Sara Wakefield, assistant professor, council member, Section on Crime, Law & Deviance
Congrats to all those who presented research and were involved in planning efforts,
as well as to those who were elected to committees and awarded for their academic
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