Gang Intervention Certificate Program celebrates first class of graduates

Gang Intervention Certificate Program celebrates first class of graduates
- July 24, 2012
- 15-week program launched in March provides training for practitioners and academics working with gang-involved youth
Veteran law enforcement officer and UCI social sciences lecturer Al Valdez was the keynote speaker at UCI’s inaugural Gang Intervention Certificate Program graduation, held June 29 at UCI. The event wrapped up the 15-week program completed
by 39 participants including students, academics and practitioners who work with gang-involved
or at-risk youth in the Orange County and Los Angeles areas. Funded by the Orange
County Department of Education’s Safe Schools & Support Services and the UCI Center for Citizen Peacebuilding, the program provides current training in gang prevention and intervention techniques,
individual skills development, mediation and negotiation tactics used in violent environments,
and historical background on street gangs. Trainers include faculty from UCI’s School
of Social Sciences and School of Social Ecology and California State University, Los
Angeles, mediation trainers from OC Human Relations, and current and former law enforcement
personnel and experts from the OC Sheriff's Department, OC District Attorney's Office
and OC Probation Department.
The next cohort will begin in winter quarter. Interested? Learn more about the Gang Intervention Certificate Program online.
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