Timing is bad for a minimum wage increase
Timing is bad for a minimum wage increase
- May 11, 2012
- David Neumark, economics Chancellor’s Professor and Center for Economics & Public Policy director, is quoted in St. Louis Today May 11, 2012
From St. Louis Today:
If a minimum-wage initiative makes it on the November ballot, Missourians will have
to choose between economics and emotion..."The research in the U.S. says it's really
hard to find an effect on lifting families out of poverty, or raising income levels
of poor families," says Neumark, a professor of economics at the University of California,
Irvine. "More than anything else, the minimum wage shuffles income around among poor
families. Some gain, some lose."
For the full story, please visit http://www.stltoday.com/business/columns/david-nicklaus/timing-is-bad-fo....
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