Art exhibit shows life of motel kids

Art exhibit shows life of motel kids
- April 16, 2012
- Christine Hegel-Cantarella, anthropology and Institute for Money, Technology, and Financial Inclusion assistant research specialist, is featured in the Orange County Register April 13, 2012
From the OC Register:
Jennifer Friend, 42, now may be a successful civil litigation attorney wearing pearls
and a Rolex watch, but right now she wears an expression of naked vulnerability. "There's
so much shame associated with it," Friend says of her middle school and high school
years, when she lived off and on in a motel room with her parents and three younger
brothers --- six people crammed into 214 square feet.... Friend, a married mother
of two, plans to lend the interactive, multimedia art project --- on display at UC
Irvine through Wednesday --- to nonprofit organizations in an effort to raise awareness
about children who need safer and more permanent homes.... For the past 1½ years,
Jennifer Friend has been involved with Project Hope Alliance, a nonprofit organization
in Orange that serves the homeless population through schooling, rental assistance
and other programs. Friend, president of the organization, came up with the idea of
creating a motel room replica about six months ago. She got brothers Jason and Josh
to commit $10,000 and then she tapped contacts at UCI. Luke Hegel-Cantarella, an associate
professor and head of scenic design at the Clair Trevor School of Arts, and his wife,
Christine, an assistant research specialist and cultural anthropologist, brought Friend's
concept to life.
For the full story, please visit
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