From IslamiCity:
The day after September 11th, headlines reading "New Day of Infamy", "War At Home" and "Terror," flooded media outlets across the nation. A frightening parallel between Pearl Harbor and 9/11 left the country in panic. Less than a month later, the U.S. launched a global and border-less "War on Terror." Soraya Azzawi, a third year Political Science major at UC Irvine puts it simply, "I cried. Nothing positive can come out of the massive loss of human life, whoever those people may be. What hurt the most is the fact that my tears when the towers fell, my indignant [feelings] at the murder of 3,000 Americans didn't count, simply because I was Muslim." Ten years after this unforgettable tragedy, the psychological and emotional trauma continues to take its toll.... Haithem Abdelfattah, a Public Health Science major and senior at UC Irvine describes how Muslims "felt estranged to the land they had been living in for so long; almost like they didn't belong."

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