From the Arizona Republic:
A December survey by the Pew Hispanic Center, a think tank in Washington, D.C., indicated that a majority of Latinos disapprove of the deportations. Still, the same survey said that Obama enjoys a wide lead among Latino voters when matched against potential Republican presidential candidates. Louis DeSipio, a political-science professor at the University of California, Irvine, said allowing illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. while they apply for hardship waivers could boost Obama's standing with Latinos. "It gives the administration, or the candidate Obama, a message to share with Latino communities when he campaigns," DeSipio said. "I don't think his message will be solely one of immigration but will fit immigration into a larger story about how the Democrats will offer more to Latinos than Republicans. And I think that total message will actually work pretty well in Latino communities. But this is just a piece of that story."

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