Alternative Banking and Social Inclusion
Conference, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center
7-8 July 2011
Kurt Mettenheim
Getulio Vargas Foundation São Paulo Business School
Olivier Butzbach
King´s College Department of Management, London & Second University, Naples
This conference is designed to bring together leading academic and public policy specialists to debate and endorse new Core Principles for Alternative Banking and Social Inclusion. Given the current search for social alternatives amidst the fallout of financial crisis, and problems in developing nations to meet the UN millennium development goals to end poverty by 2015, presentation of draft principles for promotion and adoption by alternative banks and international organizations to a community of specialists may provide a timely and viable contribution to global debate.
The conference aims to produce both a green paper for public policy communities and an edited volume to be submitted to a university press. Like the many current initiatives on sustainability that originated from a Bellagio Center conference, we believe that the drafting of basic principles for alternative banking may profoundly reshape development by the adoption of new policies by savings banks and cooperative banks.
New networks across universities, savings and cooperative bank associations and international development institutions make this conference viable and the prospect real for shifting policies at large alternative banking institutions in developing countries to accelerate social inclusion.
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