SB 1070 backlash spurs Hispanics to join Democrats

SB 1070 backlash spurs Hispanics to join Democrats
- June 8, 2010
- Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the Arizona Republic June 8, 2010
From the Arizona Republic:
In the seven weeks since Republican Gov. Jan Brewer signed Arizona's tough new immigration law, there has been a sharp increase in the number of Latinos registering to vote as Democrats, party officials say, jumping from about 100 a week before to 500 now. Many of those registering are young Latino citizens whose parents may be undocumented.... The recent rallies and marches by opponents show that Arizona's immigration law has already stirred a backlash, primarily among Latinos. But there are significant differences between Arizona and California that make it less likely for even a significant growth in the Latino voting bloc to push Arizona from red to blue anytime soon, political analysts say. "It's not going to have the same partisan effect," said Louis DeSipio, a political-science professor at the University of California, Irvine and an expert on Latino politics and voting. Arizona is overall more conservative than California and has fewer moderate and liberal voters than California, he said. Arizona also has fewer Asian- and African-American voters, who tend to vote Democratic. "Arizona is different in that, first, the Latino vote is lower, about 12 percent versus 21 percent," DeSipio said. "And even if that grows, which I predict that it will, those newly participating Arizona Hispanics, who tend to vote Democratic, have fewer non-Hispanic Democrats to ally with to shift the state's politics."
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