Luce elected fellow of The Econometric Society

Luce elected fellow of The Econometric Society
- April 29, 2010
- Honor recognizes contributions to the field of economic theory
R. Duncan Luce, cognitive science Distinguished Professor emeritus and economics research
professor emeritus, has been elected a fellow of The Econometric Society. Founded
in 1930, the international society publishes the journal Econometrica and promotes
the advancement of economic theory. The honor, which recognizes no more than 15 recipients
annually, acknowledges Luce for his significant contributions to economic theory.
A pioneer in mathematical behavioral sciences, Luce has pursued a scientific understanding of human behavior for more than 50 years. His work blends mathematical theory, designed to provide an understanding of aspects of individual behavior, and behavioral science experiments. He does this by developing formal math models – models that have contributed to shaping parts of contemporary economics and psychology. He has published more than 200 scientific articles and nine books on the topic, five of which are widely considered classics. He has been highly lauded for his work with awards including a National Medal of Science, Gold Medal Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Science of Psychology, UC Irvine Medal, Frank P. Ramsey Medal of the Decision Analysis Society, Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Award for Distinguished University Service, and the International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, England’s title, “Man of the Millennium.” Luce is a member of both the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences, as well as the American Philosophical Society.
As a new fellow of The Econometric Society, Luce joins UCI colleagues Dale Poirier, economics professor, and Dennis Aigner, management and economics professor emeritus.
Learn more about The Econometric Society online at
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