Dust of Life: A moving portrait of multifaceted Asian American experience

Dust of Life: A moving portrait of multifaceted Asian American experience
- November 12, 2009
- An article by Lee Ngo, anthropology graduate student, is featured in AsianWeek Online November 12, 2009
From AsianWeek:
Le Van Kiet’s first feature-length film is a tour-de-force that thousands within the diasporic ethnic Vietnamese communities around the globe have been waiting to see. Based on true events in Westminster, Garden Grove and other parts of Orange County, California that occurred in the mid-1990s, Le doesn’t shy away from creating a brutal yet honest portrait of adolescent life in the community that still persists today. The film tries to answer a very difficult and complex question: why do so many young Vietnamese Americans resort to a life of violence and crime? By offering some clarity in a world wrought with chaos, Le and his cast and crew explore a confluence of factors, the most important of which lies in the particular historical trajectory of the Vietnamese refugee.
For the full story, please visit http://www.asianweek.com/2009/11/12/b%E1%BB%A5i-d%E1%BB%9Di-dust-of-life....
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