Save more, spend less, says founding director of Congressional Budget Office
Save more, spend less, says founding director of Congressional Budget Office
- April 30, 2009
- National expert gives simple, straightforward advice on solving complex economic issues
"The economics of governing is no easy task. The current state of our economy is
testing our government and overall democracy like we've never seen," said Alice Rivlin,
founding director of the Congressional Budget Office and former director of the Office
of Management and Budgeting.
The guest speaker at the fifth annual Economics of Governance lecture, co-sponsored
by UCI's Center of the Study of Democracy, the Department of Economics and City National
Bank, she offered some clear-cut solutions to some of the complex problems facing
our economy, beginning with tossing political ideologies to the side.
"It doesn't matter if everyone doesn't agree; we need solutions in order to make
our economy more productive. We're not a good example of a democracy if we don't."
She explained that government must work simultaneously on three sets of decisions
if the country is to successfully move forward including putting out fires that existed
before the economic collapse, continuing to address recovery efforts, and worrying
about what the long run picture of the U.S. economy will need to look like if it
is to function successfully.
On the first issue, she pointed to problems in the nation's social security and healthcare
systems that have seemingly been placed on the backburner due to the economic crisis.
According to Rivlin, however, they are interrelated.
"The social security issue is a quick fix, and addressing it would be a good show
of faith that we're getting back on track," she said. Her recommended solutions
include increasing taxes and cutting benefits, raising the retirement age and raising
the income cap - currently set at $106,800 - on which social security payroll taxes
are based.
She also offered as a general overall solution for generating more government revenue
creation of a value-added tax and increases to income taxes for top level wage earners.
As for fixing healthcare, an issue she deemed "much harder to solve", she recommended
investing more heavily in health information technology. "We won't ever reduce health
spending," she said, "but perhaps we can reduce the rate at which spending grows
by investing in health information technology, which would be a major victory."
On current recovery efforts, she said the government is on the right track, but improvements
can still be made.
"The aggressive action of the Fed and other leading authorities was phenomenal,"
she said, adding that it's hard to gauge the position the economy would be in if
they had not acted so swiftly. "The financial sector was out of control. They were
creative, a trait our culture applauds, but their creativity was certainly the wrong
kind." She chided the seemingly "ad hoc" efforts taken by the Fed to save selected
firms, but noted that the actions led to a more organized plan which appears to be
As for long term solutions, she recommended a need for more focus on infrastructure
and skill improvements in order to become a less wasteful, healthier, sustainable
system. Fiscal responsibility at all levels, she added, will be a must.
"Consumers and government alike need to save more and spend less," she said, noting
the national deficit as a percentage of gross domestic product is projected to hit
a new high point in 2010 at 13 percent. The last high was in 1983 at 6.3 percent.
She explained that while stimulus spending and financial rescue money will account
for most of that number and that she expects it will come down fast as banking stabilizes,
"we're still borrowing too much."
Ending on a positive note, she reminded the students, faculty, alumni and community
members in attendance of the confidence the rest of the world has in the U.S. economy.
"When we got into this trouble, there was a rush around the world to buy U.S. Treasury
bonds. The resilience and flexibility of the American economy is phenomenal and there
is confidence - and rightly placed - around the world that we'll pull through and
fix the issues that got us into this mess."
Rivlin is currently on the board of directors of the New York Stock Exchange and
a senior research scholar at the Brookings Institution.
-Heather Wuebker, Social Sciences Communications
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