Internet love is not colorblind

Internet love is not colorblind
- April 21, 2009
- Cynthia Feliciano, sociology and Chicano/Latino studies assistant professor, finds people follow racial stereotypes when looking for love online
Demographic changes brought about by the recent influx of immigrants from Asia and
Latin America have the potential to alter race relations in the United States. But
if a study by UC Irvine sociologists is any indication, the cross-cultural revolution
is not going to be launched on the internet dating scene, where people often follow
racial stereotypes when looking for love.
Cynthia Feliciano, sociology and Chicano/Latino studies assistant professor, and Belinda
Robnett, sociology associate professor, collected data from Yahoo personals between
September 2004 and May 2005, randomly selecting profiles of people ages 18-50 in the
Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Atlanta metropolitan regions. While white men were
more open to dating outside their race than white women, both had specific racial
preferences. White men preferred Asian and Latino dating partners to African Americans;
white women were more likely to exclude Asian men.
According to Feliciano, negative portrayals of African American women and Asian men
in popular culture could contribute to these preferences.
"Stereotypical images of masculinity and femininity shape dating choices and continue
to be perpetuated in the mass media," says Feliciano, sociology and Chicano/Latino
studies assistant professor. "The hyper-feminine image of Asian American women contrasts
greatly with that of Asian men, who are often portrayed as asexual."
In comparison, the image of the strong African American woman is at odds with idealized
notions of submissive and frail women. This may explain why African American women
faced high levels of rejection among men, researchers say.
"Cultural portrayals of African American women in the media continue to stress traits
seen as negative, such as bossiness," Feliciano says.
Studies point to increasingly tolerant attitudes about interracial relationships,
but intermarriage rates remain relatively low, Feliciano says.
Researchers' analysis of minorities' racial preferences showed that Asians, African
Americans and Latinos are more likely to include whites as possible dates than whites
are to include them. This suggests that whites, as the dominant group in the U.S.,
remain in the privileged position of being able to facilitate or hinder the full incorporation
of minorities.
"Internet dating offers a unique lens through which to understand the process of selecting
a partner and how race plays into the selection," she says.
Graduate student Golnaz Komaie co-authored the study. The findings appear online and
in the March issue of Social Science Research.
--Laura Rico, University Communications
Also featured in the following:
-Desert Sun, April 22, 2009
-News America Media, April 24, 2009
- Los Angeles Times, April 26, 2009
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