50th anniversary

Celebrating 50 Years Young

Oct. 4, 2015 marks the 50 year milestone of UC Irvine’s first day of classes. The amount of accomplishments the School of Social Sciences has accrued in this short span of time is just awesome. Here, check out how the school has spent the past 50, how we're commemorating the occasion, and where we're going in the next 50.  


Perspectives on Gender in Philosophy

 Oct 25 & 25, 2014
A multi-disciplinary conference on gender with three primary goals in mind: (1) To discuss gender assumptions underpinning critical social, cultural, and legal norms and discussions; (2) To promote space for multi-disciplinary thinking and research on these issues; and (3) To bring special attention to recent debates over the status of women in the field of Philosophy.    
Sponsors: UCI School of Social Sciences, UCI School of Humanities, UCI Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, UCI's ADVANCE Program for Equity and Diversity, Dean Frances Leslie/DECADE, UCI School of Law, UCI Department of Philosophy, UCI Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, UCI Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies, UCI Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCI Melden Chair in Moral Philosophy
 Contact: Cailin O'Connor, cailino@uci.edu

Experimental Social Science Graduate Student Workshop

April 17, 2015 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (subject to change)
A showcase of the graduate student research being conducted in the Experimental Social Science Lab.   
All UCI graduate students are invited to present current experimental research in the preliminary stages through the final stages of development. The goal of this workshop is to facilitate better design and analysis of graduate student experiments by providing an interdisciplinary setting where experiments, either lab or field, in both the planning and analysis stages can be discussed.  Faculty are also invited to attend. This workshop will act as a forum for graduate students and faculty to discuss techniques and methods in experimental design and analysis. Graduate students in the process of designing experiments will receive feedback and suggestions for the improvement of the experimental design prior to implementation. Graduate students with completed experiments will receive feedback on experimental analysis methods prior to sending papers for publication. In addition to providing a setting to discuss research, this workshop will, with financial support from the Dean, provide one or more awards to promising experiment projects.
Who Can Apply: Graduate students working on experimental research in the social sciences.
To Present: Send an abstract (no more than 500 words) of the intended presentation to tboston@uci.edu with the subject line “Workshop Abstract” by March 13.  Presenters will be notified by March 27 regarding presentation length, workshop schedule, and workshop locations.
To Attend: Please RSVP to tboston@uci.edu with the subject line “RSVP” by March 27.  The conference schedule will be circulated after presenters have been selected.
 Sponsors: UCI School of Social Sciences, Department of Economics and Department of Logic & Philosophy of Science
 Contact: Michael McBride, mcbride@uci.edu


48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology

 July 17-21, 2015 |  Newport Beach    
The 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology will take place in Newport Beach, California from July 17th to July 21st. The local hosts are Joachim Vandekerckhove & Jennifer Trueblood of the University of California, Irvine. The Professional Development Symposium hosted by the Women of Math Psych will be held on July 17th. The Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society will be held immediately after MathPsych in Pasadena California, starting July 22nd.
Sponsors: School of Social Sciences, Department of Cognitive Sciences     
 Contact: Joachim Vadekerckhove, joachim@uci.edu


Economies, Technologies, and Ethics of Aid

Oct 1 & 2, 2015    
A conference on the ethics of humanitarian aid internationally    
 Sponsors: UCI School of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, Department of Anthropology
 Contact: Cecelia Lynch, clynch@uci.edu



Special events commemorating the school's history:

The "March Experiment": The Founding of an Interdisciplinary Social Science School

  April 3, 2015  10am-3pm  SBSG 1517   
 Distinguished Guest Jim March, founding dean of Social Sciences at UCI   
Founding social sciences dean Jim March will give an address. Scholars who have studied the early experiment in interdisciplinary social science research and education will present their research. Two of the first Ph.D. alums of the Irvine School of Social Sciences will report on research into their cohort. All the living former deans will assemble.
 Sponsors: School of Social Sciences    
 Contact: Lina Moncayo, lina.moncayo@uci.edu

Nuclear Legacies: 30 Years of the Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies

 May 14, 2015  1pm-5pm, Margolis Lecture at 5pm
A conference celebrating 30 years of the Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, with the annual Margolis Lecture, accompanied by an exhibition on the history of CGPACS    
 Sponsors: School of Social Sciences, Center for Global Peace & Conflict Studies
 Contact: Julia Elyachar, elyachar@uci.edu

Uliuli's Legacy: Rededication of the Samoan Canoe  

Postponed, Date - TBA SST Lobby    
A "rededication" of the canoe hanging in Social Sciences Tower, with installation of a video of the construction and first launch of the canoe in Newport Harbor    
 Sponsors: School of Social Sciences
 Contact: Gianna Linnert, glinnert@uci.edu


Special events pointing toward the future:

Social Sciences 50th Anniversary Scholars 

 Spring 2015-Spring 2016    
Each department will host one high-profile speaker as part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations. A complete list will be available after April 30, 2015.    
 Sponsors: School of Social Sciences in collaboration with individual departments.
 Contact: Heather Ashbach, hashbach@uci.edu

Launch of the First Generation Students and Faculty Initiative

 October 9, 2015    
Launch of the new First Generation Students and Faculty initiative, which will provide mentoring for first-generation college students at UC Irvine by faculty members who were also the first generation in their families to attend college.
 Sponsors: School of Social Sciences, Cross Cultural Center, DUE    
 Contact: Lina Moncayo, lina.moncayo@uci.edu