Katherine Faust
  Department of Sociology
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California 92697-5100


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Faust, Katherine
    forthcoming “Triadic configurations in limited choice sociometric networks: Empirical and theoretical results.”  Social Networks. [preprint]
Faust, Katherine
    2007 “Very local structure in social networks.”  Pages 209-256 in Sociological Methodology 2007, volume 32 edited by Yu Xie.  Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. [pdf
Faust, Katherine and Miruna Petrescu-Prahova
    2007 “Discussion on the paper by Handcock, Raftery and Tantrum.”  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 170(2):336-337.
Entwisle, Barbara, Katherine Faust, Ronald R. Rindfuss, and Toshiko Kaneda 
    2007  “Networks and contexts: Variation in the structure of social ties.”  American Journal of Sociology 112(5):1495-1533. [pdf]
Faust, Katherine
    2006 “Comparing social networks: Size, density and local structure.”  Metodološki Zvezki, Advances in Methodology and Statistics 3(2):185-216. [link]
Contractor, Noshir S., Stanley Wasserman, and Katherine Faust
    2006  “Testing multi-theoretical multilevel hypotheses about organizational networks: An analytic framework and empirical example.”  Academy of Management Review 31(3):681-703. [pdf]
Faust, Katherine
    2005 “Using correspondence analysis for joint displays of affiliation networks.” Chapter 7, pages 117-147 in Models and Methods in Social  Network Analysis, edited by Peter J. Carrington, John Scott, and  Stanley Wasserman.  New York:  Cambridge University Press.  (Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis received the 2006 ASA Mathematical Sociology Section Harrison White Book Award.)  [pdf]
Rindfuss, Ronald R., Aree Jampaklay, Barbara Entwisle, Yothin Sawangdee, Katherine Faust, and Pramote Prasartkul
    2004 “Collection and analysis of social network data in Nang Rong, Thailand” Chapter 7, pages 175-200 in Network Epidemiology:  A Handbook For Survey Design and Data Collection.  Martina Morris (ed.).  Oxford: Oxford University Press. [pdf
Skvoretz, John and Katherine Faust
    2002  “Relations, species, and network structure.”  Journal of Social Structure.3(2). [link]
Faust, Katherine and John Skvoretz
    2002 “Comparing networks across space and time, size and species.” Pages 267-299 in Sociological Methodology 2002, volume 32 edited by Ross Stolzenberg.  Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. [pdf
(Reprinted in Freeman, L. C. (Ed.) Social Network Analysis, Newbury Park: Sage.)
Faust, Katherine, Karin E. Willert, David D. Rowlee, and John Skvoretz
    2002  “Scaling and statistical models for affiliation networks: Patterns of participation among Soviet politicians during the Brezhnev era.”  Social Networks  24:231-259. [pdf]
Faust, Katherine
    2002 “Las redes sociales en las ciencias sociales y del comportamiento” [“Social networks in the social and behavioral sciences”]  Chapter 1, pages 1-14 in Jorge Gil-Mendieta and Samuel Schmidt (eds.).  Análisis de Redes:  Aplicaciones en Ciencias Sociales [Network Analysis: Applications in the Social Sciences].  Mexico City: UNAM. [pdf]
Faust, Katherine, Barbara Entwisle, Ronald Rindfuss, Stephen Walsh, and Yothin Sawangdee
    1999 “Spatial arrangement of social and economic networks among villages in Nang Rong district, Thailand.”  Social Networks  21(4):311-337. [pdf]
Skvoretz, John and Katherine Faust
    1999 “Logit models for affiliation networks.”  Pages 253‑280 in Sociological Methodology 1999, volume 29 edited by Michael E. Sobel and Mark P. Becker. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. [pdf]
Faust, Katherine
    1997 “Centrality in affiliation networks.”  Social Networks.  19:157-191. [pdf]
Skvoretz, John, Katherine Faust, and Thomas J. Fararo
    1996 “Social structure, networks, and e-state structuralism models.”  Journal of Mathematical Sociology 21:57-76.  [pdf]
(Reprinted in: Doreian, Patrick and Frans Stokman 1997.  Evolution of Social Networks.  pages 73-92. Gordon and Breach.)
Faust, Katherine and Stanley Wasserman
    1993 “Correlation and association models for studying measurements on ordinal relations.” Pages 177‑215 in Sociological Methodology 1993, volume 23. edited by Peter V. Marsden. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers. [pdf]
Faust, Katherine and Stanley Wasserman
    1992 “Centrality and prestige: A review and synthesis.” Journal of Quantitative Anthropology 4:23‑78. [link]
Faust, Katherine and Stanley Wasserman
    1992 “Blockmodels: Interpretation and evaluation.” Social Networks 14:5‑61. [pdf]
Anderson, Carolyn, Stanley Wasserman and Katherine Faust
    1992 “Building stochastic blockmodels.” Social Networks 14:137‑161. [pdf]
(Reprinted in: John Scott (Ed.) 2002 Social Networks: Critical Concepts in Sociology. London: Routledge.)
Wasserman, Stanley, Katherine Faust and Joseph Galaskiewicz
    1990 “Correspondence and canonical analysis of relational data.” Journal of Mathematical Sociology 1:11‑64. [pdf]
Wasserman, Stanley and Katherine Faust
    1989 “Canonical analysis of the composition and structure of social networks.” Pages 1‑42 in Sociological Methodology 1989, volume 19 edited by Clifford C. Clogg. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. [pdf]
Faust, Katherine
    1988 “Comparison of methods for positional analysis: Structural and general equivalences.” Social Networks 10:313‑341. [pdf]
Faust, Katherine and A. Kimball Romney
    1986 “Comment on ‘A cautionary note’.” Social Networks 8:213.
Faust, Katherine and A. Kimball Romney
    1985 “The effect of skewed distributions on matrix permutation tests.” The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 38:152‑160. [pdf]
Faust, Katherine and A. Kimball Romney
    1985 “Does STRUCTURE find structure?: A critique of Burt's use of distance as a measure of structural equivalence.” Social Networks 7:77‑103. [pdf]
Fielding, Gordon J., Mary E. Brenner and Katherine Faust
    1985 “Typology for bus transit.” Transportation Research 19A(3):269‑278. [pdf]
Romney, A. Kimball and Katherine Faust
    1982 “Predicting the structure of a communications network from recalled data.” Social Networks 4:285‑304. [pdf]


Department of Sociology        Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences         School of Social Sciences        University of California, Irvine