Evan Schofer



Evan Schofer



Some of My Current Research Projects:

Educational Expansion and Economic Inequality:  Cross-national Evidence.  Supported by the U of M College of Liberal Arts, the U of M Life Course Center, and the Spencer Foundation.  Examines the impact of educational expansion on patterns of economic inequality using cross-national data.

Civil Society in Comparative Perspective.  Examines how global and national institutions and structures shape political participation (with M. Gourinchas) and associational life (with W. Longhofer) across societies.

The Consequences of National Educational Structures.  Explores national variation in the structure of education and examines consequences for enrollments, attainment, inequality, and other outcomes


Working Papers:

The Origins of Environmental Association, 1960-1995.”  (W. Longhofer and E. Schofer)

 “The Structural Sources of Associational Life.”  Revise and Resubmit, American Journal of Sociology.  (E. Schofer and W. Longhofer)


Some of My Published Papers:

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