Scholarship recognizes the anthropology and international studies undergraduate for academic excellence
Study by Jeff Krichmar, UCI cognitive scientist, is featured in the Daily Pilot November 4, 2009
UCI's Lilith Mahmud discusses the society's portrayal in a hit novel and reveals its 'best-kept secret'
Findings will help explain how we separate and hear sounds in an acoustically cluttered world
LPS professor Jeff Barrett is searching for answers to one of philosophy and physics’ deepest mysteries
Leo Chavez, anthropology and Chicano/Latino studies professor, is quoted in Feet in 2 Worlds, on October 19, 2009
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle on October 19, 2009
Research by sociology professor Judith Treas sheds light on foreign-born seniors in the U.S.
Crystal Murphy Morgan, IMTFI researcher and planning, policy & design doctoral student, studies microfinance in Africa
Study co-authored by UCI economist David Neumark finds corporate headquarters and chain stores are more stable economic partners for cities
Data will be used to create computerized model for future non-invasive cognitive and clinical studies of attention disorders
New book takes a comparative look at the impact of global trade on the local economies and government responsiveness in China, France and Mexico
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