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Welcome to the January 2014 issue of the Social Sciences eNews!

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The Geometry Behind Poincaré's Conventionalism
January 8, 2014

Criminal Networks, Who is the Key Player?
January 9, 2014

The Mathematics of Crime
January 9, 2014

In the Light of Evolution VIII: Darwinian Thinking in the Social Sciences
January 10-11, 2014

Political Competition in Legislative Elections
January 13, 2014

Trends and Causes of Economic School Segregation
January 14, 2014

The Constructible Universe, the Naive Conception, and Intensional Logic
January 15, 2014

An Experimental Test of the Lucas Asset Pricing Model
January 21, 2014

Rethinking Don't Know: What Cognitive Psychologists Can Teach Survey Researchers
January 21, 2014

Reddit Co-Founder: Without Their Permission: How the 21st Century Will Be Made, Not Managed
January 22, 2014

Explanation, Swamping, and the Principal Principle
January 24, 2014

Homecoming 2014
January 25, 2014

Classes Without Quizzes: Hot Topics Debate - Gun Ownership
January 25, 2014

SoCal PhilMath + PhilLogic + FoM Workshop 4
January 25, 2014

On Set-Theoretic and Transfinite Analogues of Epistemic Arithmetic and Flagg Consistency
January 29, 2014

Racism and the Politics of Liberalism
January 30, 2014

Event Calendar

Social Sciences
in the Media

Raising minimum wage: Next proposal to threaten small businesses
Neumark, Small Business Trends

Bitcoin bandwagon
Nelms, First Business

Mocking history
Mock Trial, Orange County Register

Deportations still high, but ICE numbers suggest first slowdown in years
DeSipio, Southern California Public Radio

The "Asian F" and the idea of Asian achievement
Lee, The Society Pages

Minimum wage is hot topic because of lack of alternatives
Neumark, Herald-Tribune

Supersize my wage
Neumark, The New York Times

Everything you ever needed to know about the minimum wage
Neumark, Atlantic and Yahoo! Finance

Raising the floor
Neumark, The Economist

Arizona detective leaves state job after learning immigration status
DeSipio, Los Angeles Times and Sacramento Bee

Incarceration has no effect on nonresident fathers' parenting
Turney, Medical Xpress

Low-income workers caught in middle of debate over minimum wage
Neumark, CNN

Eviction protesters block Google bus in San Francisco
Avery, Southern California Public Radio

Dwindling tools to raise wages
Neumark, The New York Times

The minimum wage: Not what it used to be?
Neumark, National Review

Minimum wage vs. EITC
Neumark, Economics 21

The minimum wage ain't what it used to be
Neumark, The New York Times

UC Irvine's top model
Belen, Orange County Register

Minimum wage studies (Letter to the editor)
Neumark, The New York Times

Viet Rainbow seeks return to Tet parade
Newton, Orange County Register

Nelson Mandela's legacy is economic, too
Meyer, Marketplace

Large number of low-wage workers rely on public assistance programs
Neumark, Southern California Public Radio

$15 Wage in fast food stirs debate on effects
Neumark, The New York Times and CNBC

Boehner hire signals new hope for migrant reform
DeSipio, USA Today

New minimum-wage fight, same bad results
Neumark, U-T San Diego

Raising the minimum wage is not win-win
Neumark, Economics 21

New hope for migrant reform
DeSipio, AZcentral.com

Zhang Yimou asked to declare income after admitting breach of one-child policy
Feng, South China Morning Post

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SPOTLIGHT EVENT: Reddit co-founder on how the 21st century will be made, not managed

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm | Donald Bren Hall, Room 6011

As Alexis Ohanian learned when he helped to co-found the immensely popular reddit.com, the internet is the most powerful and democratic tool for disseminating information in human history. And when that power is harnessed to create new communities, technologies, businesses or charities, the results can be absolutely stunning. At 29, Ohanian has come to personify the dorm-room tech entrepreneur, changing the world without asking permission. Within a couple of years of graduating from the University of Virginia, Ohanian did just that, selling reddit for millions of dollars. He's gone on to start many other companies, like hipmunk and breadpig, all while representing Y Combinator and investing in over sixty other tech startups. Currently on his book tour, Ohanian will be stopping at UC Irvine to share his ideas and tips about harnessing the power of the web for good. The Q&A type event will be led by Bill Maurer, UC Irvine School of Social Sciences dean, anthropology and law professor and director/co-director of two tech-focused research centers, the Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion and the Intel Science and Technology Center for Social Computing. This event is free and open to the public. Seating is on a first come, first served basis; limited overflow seating will be available in satellite rooms.

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Giving (back) as good as he got

First-generation SAEP alumnus now works at U.S. Department of Education helping others like him

Martha Kanter, undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Education, listens intently as UC Irvine deans, vice chancellors and directors involved with admissions and financial aid talk about how the campus makes itself accessible to underrepresented minorities and first-generation university students – and how it can do even better. To her right sits another staffer from Washington, D.C., nodding almost imperceptibly as the conversation covers the importance of faculty mentors, the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, cultural diversity interest groups, the Blue + Gold Opportunity Plan and more."It was all I could do to keep from jumping up and saying, 'Yes, yes!'" Robert Gomez later admits. Kanter's staff escort during her recent visit to California is an Anteater – class of 2007 – and was an eager participant in all UC Irvine had to offer him as a first-generation college student from Pico Rivera.

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Dosher receives UCI Distinguished Faculty Award for Research

Honor recognizes campus's most outstanding faculty member for research excellence

Barbara Dosher, cognitive sciences Distinguished Professor, is the 2013 recipient of the Distinguished Faculty Award for Research. Awarded by the UC Irvine Academic Senate, the honor recognizes the campus's most outstanding faculty member for research excellence. Dosher's nearly 40-year academic career has been spent studying the distinct forms and processes of attention, memory and perceptual learning. Her findings have been published widely in such major journals as Psychological Review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Psychological Science, Vision Research, and Journal of Memory & Language, and her research has been funded through multi-million dollar grants from the National Eye Institute, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, National Institute of Mental Health and National Science Foundation, among others.

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DeSipio named director of UC Irvine Center for the Study of Democracy

Chicano/Latino studies and political science prof will continue center focus and pursue new programs

Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies and political science professor, is the new director of the UC Irvine Center for the Study of Democracy. Appointed to a five-year term, he plans to continue the center's focus on democratic participation in governance through research, public events and potential new degree programs. "Research on participation in democracies is what the center has done since its inception and should continue to do," DeSipio says. "We'll continue this through collaborative research and new venues to inform the campus community and the public at large about new and provocative findings on mass political participation." His goal is not just an academic-style focus, but also interactions with practitioners of politics.

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Established UCI center gets new name, focus and leadership

Krichmar puts engineering focus on newly renamed Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and Engineering (CENCE)

The previously known Center for Cognitive Neuroscience has a new name, new focus and new leadership. Under the direction of cognitive scientist Jeff Krichmar, the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and Engineering (CENCE) aims to better understand the relation between cognitive abilities and neural systems through brain imaging and mapping, computational modeling, informatics and engineering techniques. "We wanted to add an engineering aspect to make the center more interdisciplinary, and the response across campus has been great," Krichmar says. Housed in the School of Social Sciences, CENCE includes 25 core faculty from five different schools on campus representing departments of cognitive sciences, computer science, mechanical and aerospace engineering, neurobiology and behavior, neurology, biomedical engineering, and anatomy and neurobiology.

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Incarceration has no effect on nonresident fathers' parenting

Findings published in December issue of American Sociological Review

A prison sentence may not always have negative consequences for children of the incarcerated, says UCI sociologist Kristin Turney. In a new study, she finds that when an uninvolved dad spends time behind bars, there are no negative effects on his parenting. "To date, most research shows that incarceration has detrimental effects on family life," she says. "But we find that there is considerable variation in these effects." Turney and co-author Christopher Wildeman, Yale University, analyzed data from the Fragile Families & Child Wellbeing Study, a longitudinal study conducted from 1998 to 2000 involving nearly 5,000 mostly unmarried parents of children born in urban areas, many of whom are economically disadvantaged. Over the course of the survey, almost half of the dads spent time in prison or jail.

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VIDEO: Interview with George Marcus, anthropology Chancellor's Professor and ethnography director

Collaborative ethnographic research and complex systems

What's your most significant research accomplishment and how has it made a difference? We asked some of our National Academy members, Distinguished Professors and other renowned UCI social scientists to comment and we got some really interesting responses. Here, George Marcus, anthropology Chancellor's Professor and Center for Ethnography director, discusses his work on collaborative ethnographic research and complex systems.

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VIDEO: Bitcoin bandwagon

Anthro grad student Nelms weighs in

What is Bitcoin and how are retailers jumping on the bandwagon? Taylor Nelms, anthropology graduate student and Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion researcher, weighs in on First Business.

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The "Asian F" and the idea of Asian achievement

An article by Jennifer Lee, sociology professor, featured in The Society Pages

"I feel ashamed of myself because my grade is not what an Asian should get," reads a PostSecret confession. The quote reflects the popular perception among Asians and non-Asians, alike, that if you are Asian, you should receive a top grade; anything less than an A is an "Asian F." The idea highlights two points. First, academic achievement is racialized, with Asian Americans as the reference group for academic excellence. Second, the expectations and the perceived norm for achievement are higher for Asian Americans than for other groups.

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Mocking history

UC Irvine Mock Trial Orange County Register feature

Each year, UC Irvine goes head-to-head with other top universities in the country to argue a single case and gain hands-on experience in a courtroom environment. The mockers must argue both sides of the case. At each competition, they are required to present the case several times against different teams and different judges. Every trial brings a new experience and it's important to think quickly and to constantly reevaluate the situation. In the last six years, UC Irvine's team has qualified for the American Mock Trial Association's National Championship Tournament. In the last two years, the university placed in the top three. The team's consistent quality performance has led to a top bonus bid ranking by the American Mock Trial Association.

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SPOTLIGHT EVENT: Arthur Sackler Colloquium of the National Academy of Sciences

January 10-11, 2014 | Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center

Darwinian thinking is now having a major impact in social science, both in the consideration of the consequences of biological and cultural evolution on traditional questions, and in the use of quasi-Darwinian adaptive dynamics in evolutionary game theory. This Darwinian point of view is having a major impact on economics, political science, sociology, anthropology, and demography. The Arthur Sackler Colloquium of the National Academy of Sciences presents, "In the Light of Evolution VIII: Darwinian Thinking in the Social Sciences," featuring Brian Skyrms, Distinguished Professor, Department of Logic & Philosophy of Science, UC Irvine, and other renowned academics. A full agenda and speaker line up can be found online.

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SPOTLIGHT EVENT: Homecoming 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Join the fun! Be among thousands of alumni, students and friends to enjoy Homecoming at UC Irvine. Anteaters from near and far come back to campus every year to be part of this tradition! Bring the whole family for a fun-filled afternoon! Come to the Newkirk Alumni Center at 2:00 p.m. for an educational - and highly entertaining - debate about gun control in the U.S., featuring political science professors William Schonfeld and Mark Petracca, as part of the Classes Without Quizzes series. Don't forget to visit the school booths from 4:00-700 p.m. on Mesa Road at the Bren Events Center for the 2014 UCI Homecoming Street Festival. Then, join 'Eater Nation for the UCI men's basketball game vs University of Hawaii. Alumni: Register early. Reserve two free tickets online, but do it quick - only available while supplies last! R.S.V.P. online.

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School of Social Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-5100
