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UCI Social Sciences E-News

Welcome to the January 2011 issue of the Social Sciences

Upcoming Events

Shifting Standards in Judgments of Parents and Non-Parents: Effects of Stereotype Violation

Untangling the Dimensions of Perceptual Sensitivity

The Happy Homemaker? Married Women's Subjective Well-Being in Cross-national Perspective

The Borderlands of Race: Mexican Segregation in 1940s South Texas

The Development of Bayes Factor for Psychological Research

IGCC Southern California Symposium: UC Research on International Conflict and Cooperation

'I Am A Child of Subversion': DNA, Democracy, and Political Reconstitution in Argentina

CGPACS Graduate Student Panel I

Evolutionary Models of Color Categorization Based on Realistic Observer Models

Organizational and Institutional Genesis: The Emergence of High-Tech Clusters in the Life Sciences

Rethinking the Audience Costs Argument

Homecoming 2011

Conference: Information for Monitoring the Global Private Military and Security Industry

ISPF: Monitoring the Global Private Military and Security Industry

The Economy of Promises: How Credit Ratings Became So Important

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Social Sciences
in the Media

If Democrats are the big spenders, why do Republican states get the money?

Applying lessons from Colombia to Mexico

Study of 15 cities sees no harm in 'living wage' laws

Longtime Irvine councilwoman lauded for service

I've Seen the Future (in Haiti)

Anthropology a Science? Statement Deepens a Rift

Grass Roots: Don't defer the DREAM, academics urge

U.S. scholars: We can't afford to not pass the DREAM Act

Waging war

Students eye measures to keep 'movement' alive after Republicans block youth immigration bill

Airlines report lofty profit margins

A lot of noise over the Expo Line (op-ed)

Minimum wage increase hurts economy

Airlines report lofty profit margins

Fighting tea with tequila; NV Latinos start own political party

The Olive Tree Initiative: A fig leaf for anti-semitism?

China's dreams of superior children

The alternatives to mobile money

Will Republicans successfully reach out to Latinos?

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Study: Increasing minority incarceration rate linked to decrease in high school dropouts, increase in single-parent homes

Findings published in the Journal of Human Resources

According to a new study by UCI economist David Neumark, the increasing rate of incarceration of minority men in the U.S. has contributed to both an increasing number of single-parent minority households and a decreasing number of minority high school dropouts. The findings are surprising, says Neumark, as they contradict both liberal and conservative views as well as current public policy initiatives. The study, co-authored with Keith Finlay, Tulane University economics assistant professor and UCI economics Ph.D. alumnus, appears in the fall issue of the quarterly Journal of Human Resources.

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Lingering seeds of the sexual revolution

Study by UCI sociology professor David John Frank finds shifting societal views of sex have changed classification and regulation of sex crimes

According to a new study by UCI sociologist David John Frank, the sexual revolution that defined the Swinging Sixties began earlier, continued later, and significantly changed the classification and regulation of sex crimes in countries around the world. Published in the December 2010 issue of the American Sociological Review, the study by Frank and co-authors found that beginning as early as the mid-1940s, societal views of the role of sex began changing from a predominantly procreative activity linked to collective and moral orders to one focused on self-expression and individualism.

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Who governs the globe?

New book co-edited by Deborah Avant, UCI political science professor and international studies director, examines dynamics of authority and policy-setting in a global society

In an era of globalization, issues such as human rights, arms control and economic development don't fit neatly within national boundaries and instead require a more global perspective. In Who Governs the Globe?, UC Irvine political science professor and international studies director Deborah Avant and co-editors develop a framework for analyzing the international courts, organizations, corporations, bureaucrats, advocacy groups and states that have become key players in governing these and other global issues. They argue that studying the interactions of these state and non-state actors holds the key to understanding global governance. Here, Avant discusses the tenets of global governance and how understanding its dynamics has guided her policy advice on regulations for the global private military and security industry.

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UCI immigration scholars take part in national teleconference supporting DREAM Act

Surge of support came days before a vote was expected from U.S. Senate

Rubén Rumbaut, UCI sociology professor (pictured), and Roberto G. Gonzales, UCI sociology Ph.D. alumnus and University of Washington professor, were among a group of immigration scholars who participated in a national teleconference December 13 to discuss their support of the DREAM Act. In early December, a number of immigration scholars - including Gonzales and Rumbaut and several others from UCI - took part in drafting and signing a letter in support of the DREAM Act. The bill was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives but failed to gain the necessary U.S. Senate votes required to close debate on the issue and proceed to a vote.

Click here to listen to an online recording of the teleconference and review the support letter penned by immigration scholars...

More from Lee on race, ethnicity and the multiracial debate

Interview is focus of book co-authored with UCI Chancellor's Professor Frank D. Bean, sociology

Following up on last year's on-screen interview with author Dalton Conley, UCI sociology associate professor Jennifer Lee continues her discussion of race, ethnicity and whether it's possible to be multiracial. The topics are the focus of her new book, The Diversity Paradox: Immigration and the Color Line in Twenty-First Century America, co-authored with Frank D. Bean, UCI Chancellor's Professor, sociology.

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Solingen selected as president-elect of International Studies Association

Term to begin March 2011 with acting president role beginning in 2012

Etel Solingen, political science professor and UCI Chancellor's Professor, has been selected to serve as president-elect of the International Studies Association (ISA). Her term as acting president of the 4,000+ member organization will begin in 2012 following one year of service as president-elect which officially begins in March 2011 at the association's annual meeting in Montreal. Solingen is a past vice-president of ISA, and past-president of the organization's International Political Economy section.

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Smith receives Bailey Award for paper on legislative representation of gays and lesbians

Award will be presented at 2011 annual APSA meeting

Charles Anthony "Tony" Smith, political science assistant professor, is the recipient of 2011 Bailey Award presented by the LGBT Caucus of the American Political Science Association (APSA). The award is presented each year at the annual APSA conference to the author of the best paper on an LGBT topic presented at the previous year's conference. The award winning paper was co-authored with Benjamin Bishin, political science professor, UC Riverside, and is titled "Gay Rights and Legislative Wrongs: Representation of Gays and Lesbians." Smith and Bishin presented the paper at the 2010 annual APSA meeting and will be presented with the award at the association's 2011 annual meeting in Seattle, September 1-4.

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SPOTLIGHT EVENT - Homecoming 2011

January 22, 2011 @ 4:00 p.m. on Mesa Road, UCI

Join the School of Social Sciences for UCI's annual homecoming street festival and basketball game! Visit the social sciences table on Mesa Road for free giveaways and networking opportunities. Bring a business card and be entered in a prize drawing. Alumni can reserve up to four free basketball game tickets while supplies last. Register online at http://www.alumni.uci.edu/event/homecoming/index.html (alumni only). Current UCI students will be admitted free to the game by showing a valid student ID at the student entrance of the Bren Events Center.

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SPOTLIGHT EVENT - Conference: Information for Monitoring the Global Private Military and Security Industry

January 27-29, 2011
Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway, Room 1321

Since the 1990s, a global private military and security industry has emerged and boomed. Despite its widespread use by both states and non-state actors, the behavior of these forces - as well as those who hire them - is still opaque. This conference aims to lay the ground work for a coordinated information sharing and collection effort to provide systematic data about this industry to those researching it as well as those seeking to monitor and regulate it. Sponsored by the UCI Center for International Studies, UCI Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies (CGPACS) and UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC), the three-day event will kick-off Thursday, January 27 @ 3:30 p.m. with a panel discussion including international industry experts from the U.S. Office of the Secretary of Defense, International Stability Operations Association, Wiggin & Dana Law Firm, and Center for Democratic Control of Armed Forces in Geneva.

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SPOTLIGHT EVENT - 2010 Eckstein Lecture: International State of Emergency

January 27, 2011 @ 3:30 p.m. in Engineering Lecture Hall (ELH), Room 100

The UCI Center for the Study of Democracy, UCI Department of Political Science, and UC Irvine School of Law present the 2010 Eckstein Lecture, "International State of Emergency" with Kim Lane Scheppele, Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School and the University Center for Human Values, and director of the Program in Law and Public Affairs at Princeton University. Since 9/11, she has researched the effects of the international "war on terror" on constitutional protections around the world. Her forthcoming book, Judging After 9/11, will be published in early 2012 by Harvard University Press. The annual Eckstein Lecture, established in 1999, recognizes UCI Center for the Study of Democracy co-founder Harry Eckstein for his scholarly contributions to the study of democracy. Eckstein was a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford; Guggenheim fellow; American Political Science Association vice president; editor and member of the editorial board of World Politics; founding member of the editorial board of Comparative Political Studies; IBM Professor of International Studies at Princeton University; UC Irvine's first Distinguished Professor, and then Distinguished Research Professor of political science at UC Irvine.

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SPOTLIGHT EVENT - Social Sciences Expert Speaker Series: Update on the Economy

February 24, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway, Room 1517

What role does psychology play on the business cycle? Does California really have a bad business climate? Is there real demand for a California High Speed Rail system? Is nuclear power a climate solution? Are airline mergers bad for consumers? Get expert perspective from UCI economists on topics that impact Californians' daily lives at the second of three events in the 2010-11 Social Sciences Expert Speaker Series. Panel participants will include UCI economics professors David Brownstone, Jan Brueckner, Linda Cohen, Fabio Milani, and David Neumark. RSVPs are requested due to limited space.

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School of Social Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-5100
