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UCI Social Sciences E-News

Welcome to the February issue of the Social Sciences E-News

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What Did You Do All Day? Mother's Education and Child Effort

Peer Effects in Education and on the Labor Market

Currency and Checking Deposits as Means of Payment

"Doing Gender" in National Legislatures

The Deep Play of Theatre-Making: Rehearsal Poetics and Pragmatics

The Study of Electroacoustic Music in East Asia

A Smallest Tournament Graph that Cannot be the Result of 2/3 Majority Voting

Queering Online: Transnational Sexual Citizenship in Singapore

Big Boy Rules: America's Mercenaries Fighting in Iraq

The Shogun's Things: Material Culture in the Life of Tokugawa leyasu (1543-1616)

Wood and Chips

Discussion on the Ethnography of Courts

Generalized Backward Induction

The First 30 Days of the New Administration

Application of a Theorem in Stochastic Models of Elections

Life in a Virtual World

Conflict Experiences of UCI Students

On Public Action: Rhetoric and Glory, Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition

Freedom and Blasphemy: Indonesian Press Bans and Danish Cartoons

Friendships Moderate Association Between a Gene Variant & Political Ideology

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Social Sciences
in the Media

Tijuana's bloodiest year

UCI study: Enterprise zones don't create jobs as promised

Penelope Maddy: A philosopher you can count on

Experts: Latino advocacy group in LI probe not "wacko"

Brown towers over others in headlines

Experts: U.S. must help immigrants assimilate

Race still an issue despite presidency

Let counterproductive enterprise zones expire

Painful Lunar New Year for China's migrant workers

China mediates job disputes in effort to pacify workers

Nashville votes against English-only measure

Living - and buying - locally

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Sociologist links poverty and employment to racial identity

Andrew Penner studies how social status shapes ethnicity Losing your job or doing jail time can affect how people perceive your racial background, according to a recent study co-authored by Andrew Penner, UC Irvine sociology associate professor. His research shows people who were identified by others as white were significantly less likely to be seen in the same way over time if they had fallen below the poverty line or spent time in prison. Participants who self-identified as white also were less likely to see themselves the same way if they encountered those hardships. The study suggests that racial identity is fluid and changes with one's position in society.

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Gridlock puts brakes on job growth

Economics graduate student Kent Hymel studies traffic, economy  
Southern California commuters well versed in the physical and psychological tolls of traffic congestion can now add an economic effect to the list. Kent Hymel, a UC Irvine doctoral candidate in economics, found that sluggish commutes - usually indicative of high employment levels - lead to slowed job growth. His findings, published online in the Journal of Urban Economics, suggest that more efficient public infrastructure can spur local economic growth.

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'Eaters' eyes on the Capitol

UCI students, faculty and staff cover presidential inauguration on campus blog  
President-elect Barack Obama said that he wants his inauguration to be the most open and accessible in the nation's history, and some Anteaters have taken him at his word. UCI students, faculty and staff joined the throngs of onlookers in Washington, D.C. for the parade, swearing-in ceremony and other inaugural festivities, and they reported on the historic events in the Anteaters at Inauguration 2009 blog.

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UCI stakes claim to flagship journals in social and behavioral sciences

When it comes to good sources on cutting edge research, academic journals are a great place to start and at UCI, you won't have to go far to find them. Between the Schools of Social Sciences, Social Ecology and Humanities, UCI is currently the host university to some of the top - and oldest - journals in the social and behavioral sciences. The most recent addition: Philosophy of Science, the Philosophy of Science Association's flagship journal since 1934. Beginning July 2009, the top journal will call UC Irvine home when Jeff Barrett, logic and philosophy of science professor, takes the reigns as editor for a five year term.

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Economics alumni share insight on careers in financial services

With graduation day just around the corner, a number of hopeful college graduates will soon be entering a markedly tough job market due to steadily increasing unemployment numbers. On Tuesday, a group of eager Anteaters took the opportunity to hear some words of wisdom from four seasoned economics alumni, who, with more than 100 years combined experience, have weathered similar economics times and their fair share of bumps and curves along their pathway to successful careers in the financial services industry.

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Demographic doom for world's most populous country?

Sociologist receives grant to continue studying economic and social consequences related to China's one-child policy China's controversially successful one-child per couple birth control policy has added fuel to the fire of a looming healthcare and labor shortage crisis expected to hit the country within the next decade, says UCI sociologist Wang Feng. His findings have been the subject of several published studies, the most recent appearing in the April 2007 issue of Population and Development Review. With a newly awarded three-year, $500,000 grant from the MacArthur Foundation, Wang and his research team will further explore the policy's social and economic implications in hopes of impacting change on an international level.

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Race and equality in America

Past presidents of ASA and APSA weigh in  
Race and equality in America served as the timely topics of January's Chancellor's Distinguished Lecture. Co-hosted by the School of Social Sciences' Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) and Department of Sociology, the talk also kicked off the inaugural annual Robin M. Williams, Jr. Lecture series established to honor the research and teaching of Robin M. Williams. A distinguished visiting professor who devoted much of his career and writing to studies of intergroup tensions, race and ethnic relations, and war and peace, Williams spent the last 16 years of his life pursuing his love for research, teaching and service at UCI.

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SPOTLIGHT EVENT - Life in a Virtual World

Millions of people around the world today spend countless hours of their lives in online virtual worlds. "Second Life" is one of the largest and most popular of these worlds. Its residents live in communities they create where they buy property, build homes, go to concerts, meet in bars, attend weddings and religious services, buy and sell virtual goods and services, find friendship, and fall in love - all through the click of a mouse. For two years, anthropologist Tom Boellstorff lived as the computer-generated "Tom Bukowski" in Second Life, observing its residents in exactly the same way traditional anthropologists have done for over a century to learn about cultures and social groups in the so-called "real world." Join Boellstorff at the February Social Sciences Dinner Club lecture as he explains how virtual worlds are quickly becoming a new frontier of human life, where commonly held ideas of identity and society are being reshaped. Read On...

SPOTLIGHT EVENT - American Politics and Presidential Campaigning

The Center for the Study of Democracy invites you to attend the 2008-09 Peltason Lecture featuring Michael Dukakis, Democratic Presidential Nominee (1988) and Former Governor of Massachusetts (1975-79, 1983-91). Read On...

More Headlines

'Eaters' eyes on the Capitol
UCI students, faculty and staff cover presidential inauguration on campus blog  
UCI celebrates 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
On December 10, UC Irvine's human rights program hosted a teach-in to recognize the 60th anniversary of the United Nation's adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Fraternal instincts
Political science alumnus Mitchell Winans goes to Washington - after a stellar UCI career that earned him a Living Our Values Award

See past issues of the Social Sciences Monthly eNews
School of Social Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-5100
