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UCI Social Sciences E-News

Welcome to the December 2008 issue of the Social Sciences e-News

Upcoming Events

An Experimental Inquiry into the Origin of Property Rights

The Decline of Suicide in Sweden

Robust Learning Stability with Operational Monetary Policy Rules

The Dynamics of Children’s Health Insurance, 1986-1999

Elections 2008 - Presidential, Senate & House Elections

Visual Perception of Complex Backgrounds

Social Networks in History

Militant Islam and the War on Terror in Pakistan

The Role of Prior Knowledge in Reconstructive Memory

Learning the Wealth of Nations

Dyadic Leadership/ Followership

Ethnicity and Gender of the Buried in the Laoheshen Cemetery in Jilin, China

Can We Know the Structure of Our Universe?

Legal Origin and Economic Growth

See more events

Social Sciences
in the Media

Not Kosher
Historians write 1st draft on Obama victory
UCI students tell of their visit to the Holy Land
Council challenger deflects last-minute attack ads
Falling gasoline prices impact goods and services
Gang guru comes to Humboldt
Joshua generation seeks way to promised land
Haters come out of the woodwork
“Why Obama?” asks pollster
Bridging the Muslim-Jewish divide
ICE failure to detect, deport criminal aliens shows distorted priorities

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Illegal migration worldwide poses security risks

Political scientist Kamal Sadiq investigates how paperwork - often falsely obtained - grants citizenship to illegal immigrants

An era of mass migrations, porous borders and easily obtained fraudulent documents is blurring the definition of citizenship and putting national security at risk around the globe, says UC Irvine political science professor Kamal Sadiq in his new book, Paper Citizens: How Illegal Immigrants Acquire Citizenship in Developing Countries.

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Perspectives on peace

Olive Tree Initiative gives Moran Cohen, Dalai Lama Endowed Scholar and second-year business economics major, greater insight into Middle East conflict

When Moran Cohen visited Israel and Palestine in September with 13 other UC Irvine students as part of the campus-based Olive Tree Initiative, she went places she never dreamed she’d visit. She grew up in Israel and believed that Israelis aren’t supposed to go to the West Bank.

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Minimum wage revisited

New book by economist David Neumark explores how increases to minimum wage may hurt young workers, economy

As Barack Obama prepares to take office as the nation’s 44th president, the American public is preparing itself for a number of new changes sure to follow in his wake. Included among his plan for strengthening the economy is an increase to the federal minimum wage, a move UC Irvine economist David Neumark warns against in his new book, Minimum Wages.

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From soldier to scholar

International studies and biology undergrad hopes to pursue a career in public health after serving as medic in Iraq

Michael Flores was eager to return to life as an Anteater after serving as a medic in the Iraq War. After evading improvised explosive devices and surviving 20-hour combat missions across the desert, he felt confident taking on the demands of biology and international studies courses.

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SPOTLIGHT EVENT - Human Rights: Now More Than Ever

December 10, 2008 @ 11:00 am
Humanities Instructional Building, Room 135

In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UCI Human Rights Program presents: “Human Rights: Now More Than Ever.” Learn about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from UCI faculty and students who engage in human rights research and advocacy. Coffee and cookies will be available. Read On...

More Headlines

Study finds reducing sprawl will have little effect on emissions, fuel use
Findings appear online in the Journal of Urban Economics

Anthropologist explores root causes of drug addiction in rural New Mexico
Study published in October issue of Cultural Anthropology

Physical space in a MySpace era: Do the locations of our friends matter?
Researchers awarded grant from NSF to study impact of geography on social networks

Top pollster conducts election post-mortem
John Zobgy, political pollster, kicked off the 2008-09 Chancellor's Distinguished Fellows series in November

Gaining new perspectives
Undergraduate class travels to U.S. Mexico border for up close and personal look at security issues

See past issues of the Social Sciences Monthly eNews
If you no longer wish to receive the E-News and other updates from Social Sciences, please email Heather Wuebker.

School of Social Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-5100
