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UCI Social Sciences E-News

Welcome to the October issue of the Social Sciences E-News

Upcoming Events

Bayesian Interpretations of Heteroskedastic Consistent Covariance Estimators
Firm Entry Regulation, Labor Supply Shocks, and Labor Market Outcomes
How a Dominant Eigenvalue and Two Differentials Revolutionized Aging Research
The Coming Oil Wars
Chicano/Latino Studies Department Open House
Rule of Law With Chinese Characteristics: State Control Over Western Engagement
Rating System Design: Transforming Individual Preferences to Rating Scores
Reception in Honor of Rein Taagepera, Johan Skytte Prize Recipient
Inside the UC Budget Bureaucracy: An Adventure in Critical Ethnography
CGPACS Graduate Student Panels
Ghosts and Spirits: Promiscuous Planning and Neoliberal Traditionalism
Toward a Post-Kyoto Climate Change Architecture: A Political Analysis
Moral Dilemmas in the Security Discourses for Nuclear Weaponization
Ethnography by Design
Fiscal Foresight: Analytics and Econometrics
The Intimacy of War in Late Modern International Politics
How the Democrats Can Still Manage to Grab Defeat From the Jaws of Victory
Measuring the Importance of Labor Market Networks
Who’s Afraid of the Chicano Movement?
The Politics, Ethics and Implications of LGBT Ballot Initiatives

Social Sciences
in the Media

Promoting civic engagement in the MySpace age
Palin’s family: Do they matter?
Crimes less likely from immigrants
Local donors give $1.6 million for ban on gay marriage
Virtual similarities
Why do airlines still float free drinks?
Storm-hit Cubans need all our help
Delays, mistakes plague 911 system
Prosecutors: Capistrano school board violated state law
Army research grant to explore communication through brain waves
The Army’s totally serious mind-control project
Educators foster talks on freedom of speech
GOP losing ground statewide
The stone-age diet that works
Congressional Republicans arm forum with bold anti-immigrant
People who study the markets: Are they buying or selling?
Bill Gates gives UCI $1.7 to study the poor
Virtual worlds provide real interaction
A depressing historical parallel
Latino heritage month raises awareness, hopes to spark change
Risky moves could define McCain’s leadership
Rescue no cure-all for underlying flaws
No panic at WaMu branches
House divided on fed. bailout

If you have a good idea for a feature story or would like to post an event to the School of Social Sciences website, please contact Heather Wuebker, hwuebker@uci.edu.

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Back to school

Social Sciences welcomes more than 1400 new students and 11 new faculty for fall ’08

As UC Irvine opens its doors this fall to its 43rd consecutive class of young scholars, the School of Social Sciences, the largest academic unit on campus, is happy to welcome more than 1,400 new students and 11 new faculty members to its rapidly growing community. Read On...

New institute to explore how world’s poor use technology to spend, store money

Research funded by $1.7 million grant from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded UC Irvine a $1.7 million grant to create a new research institute focused on the growing use of mobile technology in providing banking and financial services to people in developing countries. Read On...

Building blocks of learning

HABLA program prepares toddlers for kindergarten and beyond

Four-year-old Lupe Velasquez grabs the Legos scattered across his kitchen table, slowly but confidently naming the colors of the individual blocks - green, yellow, red. “What color is this?” asks recent UC Irvine graduate Noemi Maldonado, pointing to an orange block. “It’s the same as a fruit you love to eat.” Lupe and Maldonado meet twice a week to read books and work on colors, shapes, vocabulary and memorization. Building verbal skills is one of the main goals of the HABLA program - an acronym for Home-based Activities and Building Language Acquisition - founded and directed by cognitive sciences professor Virginia Mann. Read On...

Can robots learn to think for themselves?

UCI cognitive scientist awarded grant to find out

Meet CARL, short for Cognitive Anteater Robotics Laboratory. CARL is a robot, designed to think and act like a human being, thanks to the creative masterminds of Jeffrey Krichmar, UCI cognitive neuroscientist and Brian Cox, a former Hollywood animatronics engineer whose movie credits include, among others, Godzilla and Spielberg’s AI. CARL can move around on his own, nod his head, look at objects, and, when his curiosity gets the best of him, wander around a disco-like floor chasing moving lights. Soon, with funding from a newly awarded $300,000 National Science Foundation grant, he will give researchers an inside look at how our brains impact our behavior when we feel happy, scared, sad and surprised. Read On...

SPOTLIGHT EVENT - Alumni Career Series: Careers in Financial Services

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 @ 3:30 pm
UC Irvine Student Center, Crescent Bay CD

This month’s event will feature alumni and community members working in the financial services industry. Panelists will talk with students about their personal career experiences, highlighting the paths that guided them to their current positions, and offering words of advice on how to get a start in the financial services sector. Read On...

SPOTLIGHT EVENT - Hot Topics Election Debate

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 @ 7:00 pm
Donald Bren Hall 100

With only weeks to go until the 2008 Presidential election, most polls show Senators McCain and Obama in a statistical dead heat in the race to the White House. The Social Sciences Dean’s Ambassadors Council invites you to come listen as political scientists Mark Petracca and William Schonfeld debate which Senator will be elected the 44th President of the United States. Read On...

SPOTLIGHT EVENT - Dinner Club: Nuclear Tensions, Behind the Scenes

Thursday, October 23, 2008 @ 6:00 pm
UCI University Club Library

Why do some states seek nuclear weapons while others renounce them? How do the nuclear trajectories of East Asia and the Middle East differ? What do answers to these and other questions say about North Korea and Iran? Please join political scientist Etel Solingen as she explores these timely - and critical - topics at the School of Social Sciences’ opening 2008-09 Dinner Club lecture. Read On...

SPOTLIGHT EVENT - Students Making Peace? Report from UCI’s Olive Tree Initiative

Thursday, October 30, 2008 @ 3:30 pm
Social Science Plaza A, Room 1100

The Olive Tree Initiative was founded in March of 2007 by a group of students who were inspired by the need to have a forum where they, along with other students, could discuss issues concerning the situation in Israel and Palestine in a constructive and respectful manner. They were also motivated by a desire to see for themselves the faces and hear the voices of people whose lives are impacted by this ongoing conflict on a day to day basis. To accomplish their goal of speaking with individuals living Israeli and Palestian lives, the students traveled to the region in September 2008. The ISPF invites you to come hear their story. Read On...

SPOTLIGHT EVENT - Indo-Muslim Cultures in Transition

Saturday, November 1-2, 2008 @ 9:15 am
Social Science Plaza B, Room 1208

The Mughal dynasty, while ousted from power in South Asia by the mid 19th century, continued to impact the vast region’'s social, economic and cultural traditions with its Indo-Muslim and Indo-Persian influences well into the 20th century. “Indo-Muslim Cultures in Transition,” a two-day conference at UC Irvine, will examine these influences through featured talks by authors and scholars who specialize in the literary, historical, artistic and architectural traditions of South Asia. A highlight of the conference will be a formal Hyderabad banquet which will feature acclaimed sarode performer David Trasoff and tabla soloist Abhiman Kaushal. Read On...

More Headlines

Etel Solingen’s Nuclear Logics receives top book award in political science
Political scientist Etel Solingen takes on nuclear proliferation in her most recent book, Nuclear Logics, which received the American Political Science Association’s prestigious 2008 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award for the best book published in the U.S. on government, politics, or international affairs.

UCI receives $5.4 million to study large-scale computer networks
If your Facebook page - or “node” - disappeared, would your whole social network come crashing to a halt? A five-year, $5.4 million award to UC Irvine researchers will help them find out.

Don’t trade in your pennies just yet
In a study published in the Sept. issue of the Journal of Economic Theory, Guillaume Rocheteau, a new economics associate professor at UCI, presents an economic model that shows there is still a purpose for paper money in our increasingly cashless-based society.

UCI welcomes home its Olympic Anteaters
Anteater fans filled the university student center plaza on Tuesday, Sept. 9 to honor and welcome home the current and former UCI athletes and coaching staff who represented Team USA in this year’s summer Olympic Games.

Two-day conference puts spotlight on digital money
Everyone knows money talks. Keith Hart ranks it right up there with language as a conduit for human communication. The professor emeritus of anthropology at the University of London’s Goldsmith’s College delivered the keynote address at “Everyday Digital Money: Innovation in Money Cultures and Technologies,” sponsored by UCI’s Department of Anthropology and Intel’s People and Practices Research Group.

OC educators get pointers on teaching students about the Constitution
In observance of Constitution Day, the School of Social Sciences hosted a conference Saturday, Sept. 13 aimed at helping K-12 educators bring the founding document’s principles into their Orange County classrooms.


If you no longer wish to receive the E-News and other updates from Social Sciences, please email Heather Wuebker.
School of Social Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-5100
