Center for Asian Studies | CGPACS | CSD | CUSA | Immigration Center

The Consortium of International Research Centers (CIRC) is a informal network of Organized Research Units (ORUs), informal Centers, and other university-recognized research units at UC Irvine that focus on different elements of international research.

The interdisciplinary international educational degree programs are also listed below, along with links to additional information about these graduate programs, undergraduate majors, and minors on international themes. On the right is a link to the calendar of events for these international programs. These events are open to students, the university community and the public.


CAS Logo Center for Asian Studies (CAS)
The Center for Asian Studies was established to enhance the study of the many countries and cultures of Asia at the University of California, Irvine and to provide a forum for discussions across geographic and disciplinary boundaries both within UCI and in the larger community.

CGPACS Logo Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies (GPACS)
The Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies (CGPACS) is a multi-disciplinary program dedicated to promoting scholarly, student, and public understanding of international conflict and cooperation.

CSD Logo Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
The Center for the Study of Democracy is an Organized Research Unit at the University of California, Irvine. The Center sponsors research and education aimed at improving the democratic process in the United States and expanding democracy around the world.

CUSA Logo Center for Unconventional Security Analysis (CUSA)
The Center for Unconventional Security Affairs (CUSA) at the University of California, Irvine addresses the security challenges of the 21st century through innovative research and education programs that integrate experts from the public and private sectors.

Logo/Photo Center for Research on Immigration, Population, Public Policy
The Center examines the flows of immigration and population change in the United States and internationally, and considers the public policy implications of these demographic patterns.


Student Photo Democracy Fellows Program
an innovative multidisciplinary educational program at the Ph.D. level that focuses on understanding the theoretical and empirical bases of democracy. The program prepare students for successful careers in public service, university teaching, and policy analysis.

European Studies Logo Undergraduate European Studies Major
The European Studies major (and minor) provides undergraduates with an opportunity to study Europe from the vantage points of several disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The program provides a multidisciplinary view of Europe as a whole and of its historical, political, and cultural formation and global implications.

Global Studies Logo Undergraduate Global Cultures Major
Global Cultures is a new undergraduate major (and minor) in the School of Humanities with an exciting mission: to explore the problems and processes of globalization from a humanistic perspective.

IS Logo Undergraduate International Studies Major
International Studies is an interdisciplinary program dedicated to promoting student, and public understanding of current international affairs. The program offers a major in International Studies and a minor in Conflict Resolution, a public forum series for discussion of current international issues, and an undergraduate residential Theme House in Arroyo Vista.

AS Logo Undergraduate Asian Studies Minor
The minor in Asian Studies draws upon the expertise of faculty throughout the university to create opportunities for students to explore Asian topics in a variety of fields, to develop advanced language skills, and to acquire a broader perspective as they apply the disciplinary training of their major field to effective and informed studies of Asian subjects.

GS Logo Undergraduate Global Sustainability Minor
The Interdisciplinary Minor in Global Sustainability teaches students about the changes that need to be made in order for the human population to live in a sustainable relationship with the resources available on Earth. Its goal is to provide broad, interdisciplinary training that will allow students to better understand and effectively deal with the serious environmental problems that they will face in the 21st century.

LAS Logo Undergraduate Latin American Studies Minor
The Latin American Studies minor is designed to promote the critical and interdisciplinary understanding of the peoples, arts, cultures, politics, economies, and history of the region.ively deal with the serious environmental problems that they will face in the 21st century.

AS Logo UCI Center for International Education
The Center for International Education (CIE) provides information on international exchange programs through the University of California. Through the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) and UCI's International Opportunities Program (IOP), students can study, work, volunteer, intern, conduct research, or teach in almost any country in the world!


Featured Event: 

International Studies Forum:

"Panel Discussion on the Middle East"
February 26, 2004
Social Science Plaza 1100

Robert Lloyd, Professor, International Relations; Chair, Center for International Studies & Languages, Pepperdine University

Nadav Morag, Director, Center for Israel Studies; Chair, Political Science, University of Judaism

Jim Prince, President, Democracy Council


Consortium of International Research Centers - 3151 Social Science Plaza - University of California - Irvine, CA 92697-5100 |