The Center for the Study of Democracy University of California, Irvine
invites you to a guest lecture featuring
Eileen Padberg
an Orange County business and political consultant,
who will be speaking about her experiences
working in Baghdad, Iraq

Eileen Padberg   “Assimilating Women Into Iraq's Economy:
An Imperative for Achieving Demcracy"

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
McDonnell Douglas Auditorium

4:00 p.m.

Eileen Padberg has managed public affairs and political campaigns for over 25 years. She provides strategic planning and corporate communications for some of the nation�s top corporations and organizations on a wide variety of issues and initiatives. Her areas of specialization include public education, public affairs, women�s initiatives, coalition development and strategic program planning.

Ms Padberg is currently in Iraq on Special Assignment for a water reconstruction program. She is part of a team effort in the region to incorporate Iraqi women in the reconstruction effort. This effort involves working closely with the governmental Ministries, the project contracting office and contractors to make certain that Iraqi women are being given equal opportunities for jobs and career-building seminars, as well as helping them to win some of the many construction contracts that are available by training them how to fill out the RFPs.

Eileen Padberg is a guest of the Center for the Study of Democracy at UC Irvine. The Center for the Study of Democracy at the University of California, Irvine sponsors research and education aimed at improving the democratic process in the United States and expanding democracy around the world. The center�s achievements in this area have been recognized by the National Science Foundation, which selected UC Irvine as a national center for the training of graduate students in democracy. In 2001, the Center for the Study of Democracy became UC Irvine�s 14th major Organized Research Unit. The center has a multi-disciplinary faculty from four UC campuses, including four members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

For further information please call
(949) 824-2904

Planned Giving

Center for the Study of Democracy

School of Social Sciences

UC Irvine

UCI Campus Map
