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Social Sciences 2010-11 Lecture Series

UCI social scientists investigate issues that matter to society. Their interdisciplinary research findings help spark innovative solutions to real-world problems that impact the world around us. Join us for the second annual Social Sciences Expert Speaker Series to learn how UCI social scientists are making a difference through research on local and national politics, the economy, and making use of information overload in a digital age.

Mid-Term Election Analysis
November 16, 2010
with UCI Political Scientists
Matthew Beckmann | Louis DeSipio
Mark Petracca | Tony Smith | Carole Uhlaner

Update on the Economy
February 24, 2011
with UCI Economists
David Brownstone | Jan Brueckner
Linda Cohen | Fabio Milani | David Neumark

Making Sense of Information Overload
April 14, 2011
with UCI Cognitive Scientists
Michael Lee | Lisa Pearl | Mark Steyvers

All events will be held in Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway, Room 1517 (bldg 214 on campus map), 7:00–9:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.

This series is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to Rosemarie Swatez, rswatez@uci.edu or 949.824.2511. Parking is available in SSPS for $8. For further information, visit www.socsci.uci.edu.

If you no longer wish to receive emails from the School of Social Sciences, please email Heather Wuebker, hwuebker@uci.edu.
