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Olive Tree Initiative 2010

The Olive Tree Initiative is hosting a bon voyage party hours before members embark on the UC Irvine group's third journey to the Middle East. Once there, the students will engage with and hear perspectives from Israeli and Palestinian academics, civilians, community leaders and other figures with first-hand knowledge of the conflict. The mission of the journey is for students to gain knowledge beyond what is available in second-hand information and the mainstream media; to hear directly from Israelis and Palestinians about the ongoing conflict; and to share this learning with the on and off campus community.

Bon Voyage Party

Meet and greet the students hours before they embark on their life changing journey

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Welcome and Refreshments: 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Program and Opportunity Drawing: 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway, Room 1517
(bldg 214 on campus map)
Parking is available in the Social Science Parking Structure (SSPS on the campus map) at a rate of $2 per hour or $8 for a full day permit

For further information, please contact Daniel Wehrenfennig, oti@uci.edu, or visit www.olivetreeinitiative.org.

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