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Social Sciences 2010 Lecture Series

immigration photoHow large is the current undocumented population living in the U.S.? What role does media play in shaping public opinion and policy surrounding immigration reform? Are there common factors which prevent some low–income students from making a successful transition to higher education while others, faced with the same obstacles and opportunities, flourish?

The second lecture in the three–part Social Sciences Expert Speaker Series offers the UCI and local community an opportunity to dialogue with immigration and population experts to learn how UCI social sciences research is making a difference.

“Changing Perceptions, Making Connections:
Social Scientists Explore New Findings in Immigration & Population Research”

with UCI immigration and population experts:
Frank D. Bean, Sociology and Economics
Leo Chavez, Anthropology
Cynthia Feliciano, Chicano/Latino Studies and Sociology

March 18, 2010
7:00–9:00 p.m.
Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway,
Room 1517 (bldg 214 on campus map)

This series is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to Rosemarie Swatez, rswatez@uci.edu or 949.824.2511. For further information, visit us online at www.socsci.uci.edu.

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