Politics in Germany: The Online Edition

Russell J. Dalton, UC Irvine

This webpage shares a printed version of Politics in Germany with students and faculty who might look for additional educational materials on Germany. This online edition is available for free use for educational purposes; other users cannot charge for use of this material, except for nominal (and legitimate) copying costs if distributed to a course. In short, this is a free online textbook on German politics--start reading for free!

This online manuscript has several advantages over other available texts:

  • More comprehensive than the most popular text on German politics
  • Extensive reading list, key terms, and other chapter enhancements
  • Hyperlinks to a glossary and external sources on German politics and society
  • The online chapters are searchable for keywords and terms
  • More recent information on German politics; you don't wait four years for information on the last election. 2009 election results were online the day after the election.
  • Embedded Links to YouTube videos on Germany
  • Its free!

    In addition to the online edition, I created PDF versions of each chapter. These are identical to the online material, but formatted for easier printing and reading. Students often find it easier to print these pdf files to review before exams or to read material in more depth. Reading about German history and politics on a laptop screen is sometimes hard to assimilate. But there are limitations. The manuscript reflects the same quality of scholarship as the first two editions of the text (probably better).

    Each chapter for which a pdf file is available is listed below.

    Table of Contents

    1. The Legacy of History

    2. The Institutions of Governance

    3. Unification and the Social Context

    4. Changing Political Cultures

    5. Political Learning and Political Communication

    6. Participation in Politics

    7. Political Interests

    8. The Party System and Electoral Politics
    9. The Policy Process
    10. Policy Outcomes  

    For comments on this manuscript please contact Russell Dalton at UC Irvine.

    copyright 2014
    Russell J. Dalton
    University of California, Irvine

    Revised January 5, 2012